Security Service
Director's Message
The basic objective of providing security services is to prevent crime against persons, property, and proprietary information. Security Guards provide a safe and danger-free environment so that people can conduct their daily chores and businesses without fear.
With this vision, Defenders Security was started in 2016 to transform the lives of the unemployed rural and semi-urban population with a secured job and to create a trusted brand in the security industry.
Our USP is our shortest Turn Around Time for feedback and complaints with an efficient operational system. When unexpected happens, The Defenders has the in-depth staff necessary to satisfy your immediate needs, be that individual security personnel or a force of personnel. With this focus and vision, I would like to state with immense gratitude and humility that we have been able to achieve exponential growth in our business year after year.

Contact Us
Get In Touch
103B ,First Floor , AVA Court, Near Park Hospital, Sector -47, Gurugram, Haryana
Our Address
103B ,First Floor , AVA Court, Near Park Hospital, Sector -47, Gurugram, Haryana
Sun – Fri : 09.00 AM – 18.00 PM
Saturday : 10.00 AM – 17.00 PM
Contact Us
If you have a question, please contact us at
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